Tuesday, November 19, 2019

... and Now for the Good News


The last couple of months have been quite interesting for me in many different ways. I have had some medical appointments which have had some surprisingly positive results, and some changes in my life which were necessary. So I figured that I needed to bring you all up to speed on what's going on.


On the fibromyalgia (FM) front, not much has changed, but there are no surprises there. I have my good days and I have my not so good days. I have found real pleasure in the good days, and have found things to do during the not so good days which have made them "not so good" rather than bad. I have finally started listening to my body, and doing what it needs... for the most part. I still push things a little hard, but that is just in my nature.

I saw my respiratory specialist earlier in the year and my results came back so positive that she does not want to see me for 12 months. It seems that I aced my breathing tests. I am putting this down to the retreat of my sarcoidosis and also my somewhat increased activity levels in the preceding months. Nothing like forcing your body to do things to make your body work and adapt. The bushfires of late have not helped things, nor did my short stint with a chest infection, but they are merely lumps in the road in comparison.

I went and saw my hepatologist as well, my liver function tests have been "off" for ages, mostly due to sarcoidosis in my liver, but also due to some of my medications. So off for a liver biopsy I went. This was an uncomfortable experience I can tell you, but necessary. It made my FM flare up for about a month afterward, but turned out to be worth it in the end. The results came back... no sarcoidosis present in the liver. I am now on a "maintenance" dose of methotrexate to keep things going, and to prevent the sarcoidosis from returning. The hepatologist is also my gastroenterologist. I have been having a little issue with my bowels... off for another test. Still waiting for that one, not a huge thing, just another annoyance.

Today I saw my endocrinologist for the results of my Body Mass Density (BMD) scan to see how my osteoporosis is going, and also to check on my cortisol levels. Well, the cortisol levels are still on the low side so I will be off to see him again in six months, no change there. On the other hand, I can pretty much write off osteoporosis as a current diagnosis, my bones are in full recovery. A very positive result there.

Life Stuff

On the 19th - 20th October I participated in the Brisbane 2019 Relay for Life for the Cancer Council of Queensland which is designed to raise money and awareness about cancer. Most of the teams walked or jogged around a school oval for 17 hours. My team, Brisbane HEMA Teams Unite fenced for the full amount of time. It was a really fulfilling experience. The event raised over $62,000 which will go to cancer research and assisting cancer patients. This was a real test for my FM having to stay up all night and also participating in the activities, but I made it all the way to the end.

About six years ago I started the School of Historical Defense Arts (SHDA) and it has been going along ever since. There had been some administrative issues within the SHDA which were beginning to affect my mental health so I removed myself from administrative matters earlier on in the year, so I could focus on training the students and elements of the curriculum. These are the things that I am good at and have had the most experience with. Things had not improved, and I noted other areas I was uncomfortable with, so as of month ago I retired from the SHDA as Head of School. I have since been performing individual training. This was not an easy decision but one that I had to make for my own mental health.

In June I was elevated in the Society for Creative Anachronisms (SCA) to the Order of the Laurel for fencing research and interpretation. When I was asked, it was a bit of a shock to me. This is the highest award in the SCA for Arts and Sciences. The elevation ceremony went well. I have found that if you find something that you are passionate about and you just do it for the love of it, things will work out well for you. I truly never was interested in awards, I was always interested in the things which I was passionate about, and that others were to. Seek what you love and do it because you love it, and for no other reason.

It has been an interesting time of the past six months or so. I have been writing still, my blogs, and also various projects. I am coming to the end of one so I will have another book published next year sometime. Hopefully, there may even be a second book self-published, which I have been working on for the past couple of years. Things have been busy, the year has gone like a whirlwind, there have been a lot of positives and some negatives along the way. I think that is about it... I have probably forgotten something, but that will do for now.



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