Saturday, February 20, 2016

You Know You Have Chronic Pain When... (Part 2)


It has been a while. This is the continuation of my list from the last part, which I started a while ago. You can read the first part here: .

11) There is a pile of empty medicine packets on the floor beside your bed because you couldn't get them to the bin. (Thanks, Claire :) )
12) You feel that friends and family should feel privileged to see you out of your pyjamas when they visit.
13) Sexual encounters are more dependent on pain level than your interest.
14) You ignore pain to keep functioning and only realise how bad it is when you get severely nauseated.
15) You need an atmospheric thermometer because you can't tell what the actual "room" temperature is.

If I can find/think of any more I will add them as I go. More than likely I will be adding them in batches of five, just like this one.

