Monday, January 1, 2018

2017 is Gone, 2018 is Here


I don't usually do this, but I figured that I might anyway. This will be a kind of "year in review" but with a bit of a difference. While we need to look at things that have happened, it is also important to look forward to things that are coming, both to prepare for them and to hope for them. One thing that I will say, just sitting here, except for a couple of highlights, here and there 2017 is a bit of a blur now.

Well, 2017 had its upside and sure had its downside. The result being that it turned into a bit of a year with memories which I will keep and some things which I could get rid of, or reverse.

January started as it always does, hot. It also had all of the first month of the year poking and prodding by specialists, just to make sure that everything was going according to plan. There were also a couple of small swordplay things in there as well, just to cap the month off.

February was pretty dull, somewhere either in January or February my neck issue had also risen its ugly head, again. CT done to see if anything could be done, physiotherapy chosen instead. C5 - C7 is a mess and presses on the nerve giving me headaches and pain, real lots of fun when combined with the fibromyalgia (FM), but this is a recurring problem not something I can blame 2017 for.

Good things that happened over the early months, diagnosis of Central Sleep Apnoea (CSA) and a new machine meaning I am now getting real quality sleep, a real bonus. I can tell the difference without it, like a lot. Of course I had to pay for the mask myself which took a couple of months and a couple of hundred dollars.

Oh, yeah forgot, during the storms earlier in the year we got storm damage. It then has took about eight months to get the roof repaired, and the actual damaged part of the front of the house still has not been repaired yet as I am waiting to hear from the builder. Overall, thank goodness for insurance on the house.

The year wore on and I was given a diagnosis of plantar fasciitis, which explained the reason why my feet were getting so sore when I was standing on them for any length of time. Just another one to add to my list.

Went to Great Northern War (national SCA event), which was wet, very much so. Still had quite a bit of fun teaching fencing and also fencing. Won the Powerful Owl Rapier Tournament, which I was quite happy with considering the weather was doing my joints no favours whatsoever. It was also nice to see others fencing so well.

The calendar seems to be dotted with appointments during the colder months which I was not able to make, which was unfortunate, but this is kind of expected. There are also quite a few more doctor's appointments scheduled during this period as well.

Went to Fencing Fest as a paying customer for the first time, which was nice. Still did a class on cutting with milk bottles filled with water which was quite popular again. I will be running the event again next year. In August I also managed to get to fence a friend who I have been waiting to fence for 21 years, Nic Harrison, and it was everything that I had been waiting for.

September was its usual busy self. St Florian Baronial (local SCA tournament) and Swordplay 2017 (national HEMA event) resulted in me being in a wheelchair for the last day of Swordplay having pretty much run myself into the ground, this is called causing a fibro-flare because you worked it too hard. This resulted in me being off my feet for about a week. Due to a repetitive theme of this "week's recovery" every year, I have relinquished my role as Chief Safety Marshal for 2018.

In early October I was invited to join the Order of Defence (the highest level in the SCA possible for fencing), which I accepted. The elevation took place at the Burnfield 15th Birthday Bash, and the event contains memories which I will hold dear. This was a big thing for me. Also this year I sent of the manuscript of my first book to the publisher to be published, so hopefully that will be out this year.

Just when everything looked like it was going rather well, my cousin passed away on 17th December, she died saving her nephews, which is something which I will take with me, always a hero. Just to make it a real kick in the teeth it was the 10th anniversary of my mothers death on the 16th December, so the end of December looked pretty bleak for me and I found it quite hard to get into the whole "Christmas spirit". Casey and I did the easy thing and stayed home and let people visit us.

New Year's Eve was spent playing board games and card games with a few friends. The new year was rung in with relative quiet celebration.

The most important thing to remember is that 2017 is gone, 2018 is here and it is this year that you have to deal with. Yes, there is some fall-out which will brush over from one to the next, but you must move on and move on with a positive spirit. I have heard too many people say "Well, it can't be any worse than last year." Well, actually it can. You should do your damned hardest to make sure it isn't. You have to do your bit too.



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