Thursday, October 3, 2013

New Amazing Diet... Lose 4kg in 1 week...


No, I am not going to try and sell you anything, but I bet it got your attention. One thing is true, however, I have lost 4kg in a week, and I can tell you it was not voluntary. I have been having some issues with my lower abdomen, went to the doctor found out that I had a "torted epiploic appendage". Yup, a little bit of my large intestine got twisted. In order to relive this you get put on a liquid diet, it gives the bowels a rest and allows the body to figure itself out. Once I could put up with but this twice around business is ridiculous. More lower abdominal pain, another liquid diet for a week. Oh, and it seems MS Contin does not agree with me anymore, another pain-killer off my list, side-effect of that was worse than the pain itself.

In other news one week ago today I had a liver biopsy. Essentially get a large needle push it through the chest wall, hit the liver get a sample and your done, except for the having to lay on your back for six hours. Oh, yeah, and the screaming agony once the sedative and pain-killers wear off. Needless to say this one woke the FM up for a big visit and has been telling me about it ever since. I am hoping to be back to my usual self in a week.

Oops, I forgot, my latest dose of lower abdominal pain piggy-backed itself on the liver biopsy, just for some added pain, and I got the results for the biopsy... sarcoid in the liver it would seem. Not happy. Hopefully more news to hand later.

On the more "good news" side of things the aberrations in my kidney functions seem to have settled. I officially have kidneys that work at 75% capacity. Not seeing the specialist there for a year, unless things go "funny" again with them. The bone doctor says that the osteoporosis is on the retreat and he does not want to see me for two years, which is excellent.

Well, things sure have not been boring around here the past month or so. I am hoping to keep more up to date, though I do not like my chances. I will when I can. Anyway, I am hoping that you have had a less exciting time than I have, at least in the same manner.



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