Thursday, September 19, 2013

An Open Letter to Politicians


The message which follows is not the usual thing that I put up on my blog here. This is one which has something to do with fibromyalgia in a slanted sort of way, but more directly this is a small political statement which I think I need to get out of my system. I will return you all to your usual reading shortly. What follows is an open letter to all politicians be they local, state or national parliamentarians.

"A man of the people, for the people."

Dear Politicians,

When you give your great election speeches you claim that you are talking about serving the members of your various electorates. You claim that you are serving our country in our best interests. You claim that you are looking out for the people that you represent. I would challenge you all with regard to this one and now truly stand up for the people of your electorates.

The only person who votes whether or not you get a pay rise is you and your fellow politicians. I as a member of an electorate, and the people in general do not get a say as to whether you allow this to happen. The only way that we can make an impact upon these decisions is to approach you en mass in some form or another to make our grievances known. The only time that your positions are threatened by anything that you may or may not have done is once every four years.

I challenge you that next time the question of a pay rise comes up in your parliamentary discussions that you stand against this. Ask yourself whether you really need this pay rise, or whether there could be a place where this money could go which would truly benefit the members of your electorates. There are people out there who are in dire straits due to their financial situations and a boost at this troubled time for them would be a great boost to them. This is your chance for you to truly be "a man of the people, for the people" as your position would indicate that you are.

Yours sincerely,

Henry Walker.

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