Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Not Much to Write... Kinda


I have been looking at this blog a little and realised that it has been a while since I wrote anything, simply because, as indicated by the title I have had not much to write. I could go on with various medical bits and pieces which have been going on, but for the most part they really do not have anything to do with my FM, so not really "on topic" so to speak with regard to it all. However, I will summarise.

Hepatology Clinic - Went along due to some odd readings and findings of blood tests for liver function which were required for taking methotrexate for pulmonary sarcoidosis, which I have discussed previously. Ultrasound done, no answers there. So later this month there will be a liver biopsy. Joy... not.

Respiratory Clinic - Things going quite well here, sarcoidosis is clearing up nicely. I am hoping to have this one done and dusted in the next six months or so. Might be another year, but I am hoping not. I am guessing that my lungs are about 90% fixed again. This I am quite happy with.

Renal Clinic - Kidneys doing much the same as the liver, odd readings and so forth. More blood tests to come nothing major here to worry about. The messing with the medication is the thing that is annoying me with this one, off my anti-inflammatories so my knees are giving me hell of late. Of course the specialist's recommendation for this was a referral to an orthopedic surgeon, kinda scary in some ways. I would prefer back on the meds. Have to see what happens here.

Bone Clinic - Previously diagnosed with osteoporosis of a moderate level. This is also on its way out. Have had a Body Mass Density scan, this is more of an update to make sure everything is proceeding as it should be.

So I am calling this two and a half out of four issues being solved to some degree. The irritating thought of a fifth specialist kinda bothers me though. I figure I should keep some sort of record of what is going on here. Helps me keep track of what I am doing. Of course four specialists means lots of appointments here and there and lots of running around. You combine this with my various projects and it makes a person who could be sitting on the couch doing nothing, quite a busy person. Of course the sitting on the couch thing is just not me, so it is much less of a surprise.

Needless to say I spend most of the time ignoring all of this business because it could be easy for a person to get down about it all, and sure, sometimes I do. However I have found that doing stuff which you enjoy also helps a lot. Keep your mind on the good stuff and push the other to one side until it needs dealing with. No time for me to be miserable, I have things to do.



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