Saturday, November 21, 2009

21/11/2009 - Sleep Issue - What's a Pattern?


Well, this is the first one "off the bat" so to speak. I am sitting here, it is hot, it is about 12:40am, and I am expecting to be up for another couple of hours yet. Being up a stupid hours of the night is not unusual for me, it is just damned annoying. I have mentioned sleep issues, with regard to not getting quality sleep, one issue I didn't mention was getting to sleep in the first place.

If I do not ensure that I am dog-tired when I go to bed there is the good chance that I will be laying there staring at the ceiling for hours until I finally fall asleep. This is especially the case when I have things on my mind, or just haven't done enough for the day. Some would say that I need to be on sleeping pills, and they would be right except for the fact that they would have a reaction with one of my painkillers. So I skip the sleeping pills and stick with the painkillers.

I am sitting here just writing off the top of my head so this is probably not making as much sense as my usual blogs do. I am expecting that I will be up until about 3 am or thereabouts before my body finally decides that I can be allowed to go to bed. This can be frustrating at times, but the most annoying is when I am supposed to be getting up early for an appointment of some kind. I have tried re-organising my sleep pattern so that I got to bed at a reasonable hour and get up in the morning alright. This usually lasts for about a week, if I am lucky.

I suppose I could go and write some more of the other stuff that I have to do, that would kill some time, right? Sorry, not letting you do that we are going to start being a pain and causing your hands to cramp up again. I know I will read a book, get some of that done. Sorry, wrong again, not going to let you concentrate that much. So I suppose I will be spending the next couple of hours either surfing the 'net or vegging out in front of a movie or two.

Anyway, as I have just said my hands are really beginning to pack up on me so I am going to have to get off here quick smart. At least using the touch-pad on the laptop uses smaller motions and I can rest one hand. Hopefully my next one will have some better things to say for all my readers.



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