Tuesday, October 26, 2021

The COVID Vaccine: My First Pfizer Shot


There are somethings that must be made clear before you begin reading the following entry. First, I apologise that it has been so long that I have made an entry on this blog, I just have not found anything which I thought was relevant to write. Second, this was my first Pfizer vaccine shot against the COVID-19 virus and I went in with open eyes. Third, I have multiple co-morbid conditions which likely added to the symptoms which you will read below. Fourth, this is intended to educate, not scare, any of my fellow fibro-fighters in regard to the Pfizer vaccine. Finally, and most importantly, I will be having the second and booster shots when they become available. One could almost term me as a pro-vaxxer, if I could afford it they could line up all the vaccinations and I would have them all.

These records come from my Facebook page, made so I could record them and post them here, no I can explain the situation...

"Pfizer vax No.1 done... about 12hrs ago, certainly not looking like I am going to be up to much this week if symptoms persist." 

In preparation for my vaccine, I cleared out my entire week because I did not know how my fibromyalgia (FM) was going to react with the Pfizer vaccine. I had heard varied reports from people with various chronic health conditions. By this time I was feeling a little uncomfortable, nothing new after being out all day really. I seemed to have missed the +24hr mark, obviously I was busy with other things, or just plain forgot. The reports continue...

"Pfizer +48hrs: general aches, FM not playing well at all, headache, joints not happy, costochondritis present; a little warm, but not feverish."

By this time the vaccine was truly in my system. I was beginning to feel the real symptoms of the side-effects. "Flu-like symptoms" is how they describe it, some "aches and pains" is a further comment. What it really means is it wakes all your FM symptoms and turns them all on. This was actually just the side-effects warming up.

"Pfizer shot+72hrs: fibro is still in "flare mode"; last night right leg froze up and made walking "interesting"; have a headache which is almost constant and has been so since 6hrs+; pick a joint it's probably either stiff, painful, or waiting it's turn; focus is varied, "fibro-fog" is having a party unless I focus hard, which exacerbates headache; pottering along, doing what I can, not expecting much.

Still going ahead with second, regardless."

By this time I was experiencing side-effects which I can only describe as what I experienced during some of my worst fibro-flares. You can see the physical and mental effects that it was having on me just by the description. I spent most of the time relaxing as much as possible, like I do when my FM is flaring. You will also note my usual stubbornness present in regard to having the second shot, even with these symptoms present. I would rather go through all of this all over again, than have the higher chance of getting COVID and the possible after-effects of that. Moving on with the story...
"Pfizer +96hrs (4 days): headache is still there; "fibro flare" is beginning to subside; walking is becoming less painful, joints less painful, but still present; overall some improvement, hoping to be "sociable" by tomorrow."

The worst part of it was over by now. There was still some pain, but I was certainly more mobile than I was before, even 12hrs before I made the report. I mean I know how stubborn I am, but this was actual improvement. I was still unstable, still had a bit of lingering "fibro-fog" but it was certainly improving by this stage, and looking back, I have certainly been sicker.

"Pfizer update +6 days: Almost back to "normal" (whatever the hell that means). I still have lymph glands which are up. I still have some muscle soreness and achy joints (but much less than it has been). I still have the headache, but it is background noise. Thank goodness "fibro-fog" has almost reduced down to normal levels, that has been the worst in my opinion. Screw the pain, screw the movement limitation, the "not being able to think properly" thing sucks the worst."

The last report that I posted appears above. I did not bother with another report a week later, which was yesterday actually. I am mostly back to "normal" I am now just living with the consequences of being inactive for a week. My body doesn't like moving too much my brain is back to its usual self, though I do have a niggling occasional headache, which could be explained by my messed up neck. I definitely believe that the fibro-fog was the worst. If I could've just sat and watched or wrote, or played games, that would've been alright, but the fog made it hard along with the headache.

In a nut-shell, I've had fibro-flares which were worse, some which were brought on by other medications, some which were brought on by completely external sources. I will be getting the second Pfizer shot, I know that there is the potential for a repeat, or worse, of these symptoms, but in the end it will be worth it. As Nietzsche said, "What does not destroy me, makes me stronger.” The Stoics, through the emperor Marcus Aurelius, who had his own chronic health issues, had a similar approach in that everything is fuel for the fire to make us greater.

Talk with your health professional, see which COVID vaccination is right for you. Prepare for the possible side-effects by reading about them, informing yourself as you would anything else, but ask your health professional about anything you are worried about. Do not fear the possible outcomes. Know that you are not only doing this for yourself, but your loved ones, and those who cannot have the vaccine. This is not just a question of being good to your loved ones, but everyone you meet, being a good human being. I will leave you with this comment from the aforementioned Marcus Aurelius to consider.

"Have I done something for the common good? Then I too have benefited. Have this thought always ready to hand: and no stopping." Marcus Aurelius - Meditations

I hope that what I have said will help you, not inspire you, but help you. I wish you a pain-free day.



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