Wednesday, June 22, 2016

A Victory at Last... Physiotherapy really works.


Yes, you read it right, I have a victory at last. My regular readers would have read about the problems that I have been having with my knees being quite painful for quite some time. They would have also read about the awful threat and actual happening of me having to use my walking cane for a period of time. Well, I can finally report a victory on that front.

Some months ago, March by my accounting, I managed to get into see the Allied Health Department at the Mater Hospital in Brisbane for an assessment on my knees. After the assessment they decided that they would trial me on three months of physiotherapy to see if that would help before going to send me to see the orthopedic surgeon to see what surgical options there were. I liked this idea as the idea of them cutting open my knees was not my idea of fun as it involved weeks of being off my feet.

Off I went to the Physiotherapy Department. Horribly helpful people, obviously not well-informed about all of my conditions. Sure they got told about my fibromyalgia, but not about the hyper-mobility and the marfans syndrome. These can make some of the exercises a little interesting and also some of the stresses on joints a little interesting. Once these were dealt with things got started.

My physiotherapist Anne was great. Rather than going straight for the knees she started with my posture and looked at my feet. Seems my feet were rolling inward resulting in my knees doing a similar thing, more stress on them, so we started there. My feet have mostly been good aside from the occasional dislocated/bruised toe, forming bunions, long feet and long toe issues. First we did some exercises to convince my feet to start "standing up" and rolling out. This also did a bit of work on my ankles as well, not a bad thing. Some taping was involved which worked a treat.

Result, I now have orthotics in my regular walking shoes to keep my feet in the right place. This helped a bit with taking some pressure off my knees. Next bit, as a part of this was gaining some control over the muscles around my ankles and the joints themselves. Also stretches were involved of various muscle groups in the legs. Ask my fencing students, some of them are now being subjected to them.

With the feet and ankles on the mend the knees were next. This is where the real work started. Lots of exercises lots of repetition and lots of posture correction. If you are a fencer, and your teacher says "Get your knee turned out." Just do it. It will save you a lot of time and effort later on. So now I have a bunch of exercises to work on groups of muscles and also stretches to also keep them nice and limber. They were horribly tight previously, I never noticed how much.

The end result of all this is. When you go to the physiotherapist and they give you exercises to do. Do them. They do work. They will help. I was discharged from the Mater Physiotherapy Department today. Aside from the usual fibromyalgia annoyances which I have to put up with anyway my knees have never felt better. I will be keeping up with the exercises and stretches because I do not want them to go back to where they were.



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