Thursday, May 1, 2014

Knees... Why do you not like me?


So, I figured this one was worth the blog, especially because it has some relevance to the overall picture here. Once again, I am going to be writing off the top of my head and not editing it. I have begun to find this most useful, even if the thoughts do get a little jumbled and I do end up a bit off track. I will, however, try and make at least a decent amount of sense.

When I was 15, I was diagnosed with "patela melanasia", also known as "rough knee-caps" undoubtedly a result of over-use and doing too much. Yes, this sort of thing started at least that early if not much earlier in my life. So, the knees have always been a little irritated at times. Now we fast-forward to today....

Still doing too much, add fibromyalgia, a bit of age and you have a pair of knees which are not really happy with me at all. My biggest symptom from fibromyalgia that I get is joint issues. I have joints, they ache or are just plain painful, usually for no good reason whatsoever. For the most part I deal with this myself with exercise and bits of rest here and there, however this is different. So I have taken myself along to my doctor to ask him what I am going to do with myself, etc. So referrals off to the hospital, on waiting lists, blah, blah, blah. I have no idea what the hospital is going to say or do, especially considering I was referred to both Physiotherapy and the Orthaepedic surgeons.

So here I wait. I figure that in the mean time I can keep the doctor up to date with what is going on (situation normal), and see how I can deal with things myself. This is something that I will be discussing with the doctor. What does this all mean? My mobility has reduced quite a bit. I am having more pain in my knees that before. However, I am not quitting fencing, I will find a way around this and lots of other stuff, even if I have to ask for.... help. Something I hate doing. Luckily I get picked up for my school training, now all I have to do is figure out the rest of it. Figure I am going to end up cane shopping a little earlier than I expected.

So, with winter coming on down here in Australia in the next couple of months I can see things getting a little "interesting". I will keep going, I will keep doing stuff, I have no intentions of hiding myself away, though I do think I will have to figure out this "rest" thing, a bit at least. Anyway, I may get around to keeping people up to date with this one, but I do not guarantee a thing.



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