Sunday, June 16, 2024

Was it worth it... Hell yes!


It's been a while, I know. I have been busy writing for my Patreon page which has been keeping me occupied on the writing front. Not much there on FM to tell you the truth. Mostly stuff about fencing and social stuff, though there are some interesting things about disability considerations, and more coming no doubt. I tend to write what I am interested about. Enough of my waffle, let's get to the point...

Late May, I went to the Bundaberg Show for four days to help some friends with a demonstration of Renaissance fencing, which if you haven't read my blog before, is the thing that keeps me going. I write, and I fence, this is my life. So this experience resulted in me fencing twice a day, for about half an hour against two friends. Camping on a camp-bed. Oh, yeah, and travelling 5 hours by train to get to the place in the first place.

The weekend after this there was an event I went to, for another four days. More fencing all of the days, well most of them, but I am getting to that. Sleeping on a bunk that was too short for me, and travelling to and from by public transport again, as I am medically-disqualified from driving due to my FM. 

The result:
Fibro-flare. I ended up with my arm in a sling for one of the days of the second event, and not fencing. Oh yeah, and a week's recovery, which I am just coming to the end of as I am speaking. Not to mention desperately needing to go and see my physio.

Things I know:

  1. Next year the same two events will happen again.
  2. Next year I will likely go to the two same events again, and do it all over again.
  3. Next year I will likely have the same result unless my FM is gone (yeah, right), or I am much fitter (maybe).


Some would say I haven't learnt a thing from my experience because I am willing to do it again. Some would say I should learn to look after myself better. Some would say I shouldn't push myself so hard. I say they are "Nay-sayers."

The only question I have to ask is: Was it worth it? If the title of this article doesn't give you the answer, let me repeat that, "Hell yes!" I had one hell of a lot of fun fencing with my friends at the Bundaberg Show and spending evenings with them chatting. I had a lot of fun fencing with old friends and making new ones at the event that followed the weekend after. 

Momento mori - you will die. Yes, so go out and live while you have the chance. Take life by both hands and squeeze every drop of life out of it; be in every moment. Marcus Aurelius said, "Live every day like it was your last." 

