Thursday, October 22, 2015

The Good and the Bad...


I have digressed to many different subjects over the past couple of years, but finally I have a post which is back "on point". So when to and had my BMD (Body Mineral Density) scan, and then trotted off to see the specialist, as expected a year on Prednisone has made my osteoporosis worse. So, time to be a little careful. As a result I had the choice of getting some pills to take on a regular basis to improve things or get an infusion which would last me two years.

Think now people... pills need to remember to take... infusion is already in the system... good old fibromyalgia "brain fog" has been playing hell of late. No real choice for me really. So, that is the good side of things. The bones will improve and I don't have to worry about it for two years.

What's the catch? "Flu-like symptoms and some joint pain." No worries right? Joint pain is a part of "normal" life for those with FM, and "flu-like symptoms"? What? A bit of a temperature? No worries. Boy, was I wrong. As I am sitting here writing, my head is aching like I have had the worst sleep and worst hangover ever, all my joints are singing that tune that I know so well and hate, and I feel like I am going to turn into Ghost Rider any minute as I am cooking behind my skin.

There are some things that we should all take out of this...
Stay away from Prednisone unless the doctor says you really need it.
Get your flu-shot every year because this feeling sucks
Finally, I do not regret getting the infusion because it is going to be worth it in the end.

On that note, I am off to go find something cold to drink and to sit in my recliner and find something good to watch until my friend comes over. Oh, yeah, forgot no Panadol or equivalents for me as the sarcoidosis is still in the liver, which makes getting my temperature down "interesting". Stay strong my readers, look after yourselves, and remember you only get one chance at this, you might as well enjoy what you have.



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