Monday, June 11, 2012

More Updates


Yes, it has been quite a while. So I figured I should update what has been going on the past couple of months. To tell the truth there has not really been all that much happening. Lots of waiting actually. Anyway I might as well get to the point.

After much waiting and much annoyance, I have finally got my first set of false teeth. To tell you all quite frankly, look after the ones you have these things are really uncomfortable. Admittedly I have only had them for almost a week but my statement still stands. I am hoping that I will get used to them soon as I would really like to expand my diet again to what it should be.

Well, the sarcoidosis is still around, still being a real nuisance, and still restricting me in places. I am managing around what I can and can't do as I do. I have my good days and my bad days of course as with everything, but I think that the good days are actually starting to be more frequent than the bad ones. My fitness is still nowhere near where I would like it to be, but I am expecting that the further along I get with this the better things will be.

... And of course it is the beginning of winter again. This means that the FM is really going to start playing up again. Hell, it already has. In my case, as with the sarcoid it is a matter of doing what I can when I can and I am getting pretty damn good at that I can tell you. The combination of the sarcoid and the FM is really annoying actually, one slows you down and the other, well more nuisance lack of movement meaning it gets more annoying. I am finding ways around this, like pushing myself to get out and do more to keep the FM under check, the trick at the moment is doing enough for the FM but not so much that the sarcoid plays up. Anyway, only way is forward so I am going to keep going and improving where I can.



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