Saturday, October 1, 2011

...Another Clinic and Some Thoughts


Sorry it has been so long, been a little short on things to write of late on this one. Well, nothing that I would rate as news worthy anyway. So, I suppose I had better update you all on my goings on of late. For the most part it will be off to another specialist for more answers and more drugs.

So I went off to the bone clinic a couple of weeks ago to talk to a doctor about the state of my bones and what could be done about it. For the most part it went the way that I expected, "Hi, you have osteoporosis and as such you need to increase your calcium and Vitamin D intake. So we are going to give you some more drugs to go on." So more drugs to counter-act the side-effects of other drugs that I am taking. Seems like circular pattern here and it is getting a little irritating and if it all was not so necessary I would have quit long ago... OK, so maybe not but you get the idea. Of course there was further news to be had and more poking to be done.

So doctor gives me the once over to make sure that I have not missed anything. He did. Had to inform him about some chunks of my medical history that they obviously missed, like the marfanoid habitus and the FM, to which he went "Oh." Once we managed to get past that little hump with regard to pain issues and other stuff. It was time to do something which I usually do not talk about as I am rather embarrassed about it. That would be the state of my teeth. In a nut-shell they are a mess due to various reasons which I will not go into. Anyway seems that I need to get them fixed in order for this whole thing to be improved so that will be off to see if that can get done. Not looking forward to that I can tell you. Oh, yeah, this will result in me having to be off some of my medications for a period of time to avoid side-effects (mumble, mumble, growl).  

Anyway, it would seem that the finding of the sarcoid has resulted in me finding out that there are other bits of me which do not seem to be doing so well. Oh, look, more obstacles. Where did I put that 'dozer blade? Yup, I am still looking at the positive end to all of this. No other choice really, not in my nature to quit. OK, so there are certain things which I have had to put aside and am not able do, sure, but I can find ways around most of it, and will continue to do so. One of the most important things that I have found (and that I have to keep reminding myself) is that you need to be happy with what you can do. No point in bitching about the stuff that you can't, it wastes time and energy which could be spent in more useful pursuits.

Essentially with regard to things in life there are two types of things. The first is those things that you can do nothing about. These are usually irritating and we feel helpless with regard to a lot of them and this frustrates and annoys us no end. The important thing with regard to this is because there is nothing we can do about them, we should spend much less time worrying about them as well. What's the point? It is not going to get you any further. The second is those things that we can do something about and it is here that we should spend our time and energy. Hell, looked at in the correct way even some of the things which we think we can do nothing about may actually have something we can do about them. The most important thing about this second type of thing is that we need to do something about them and feel happy when we do, no matter how little that may be.

Be happy with your victories no matter how small they may be. Each one should be celebrated. Of course then it is important to move on to the next task. Always look forward, it is much more useful than looking back. Always consider what you can do, and do it. No point in worrying about stuff you can't.



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