Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Now for Some Good News


Yup, you read it correctly, I finally have some good news with regard to my condition. In the early part of my diagnosis for sarcoidosis I was put on a waiting list for the ophthalmologist to ensure that the sarcoid was not going to affect my eye-sight. Well that appointment occurred recently and I have results already.

I went in, gave my appointment slip and was asked to wait. Joys of dealing with public health system I suppose. Didn't really bother me, I was smart enough to bring a book with me to read so I spent the waiting time reading. In some ways ironic really. After about half an hour I guess I my name was called by a nurse.

First test was the reading test. Same as you do at the optometrist. Read the lines first with both eyes and then with each eye singularly. By the time I got to the left eye singularly the nurse just told me to read as low as I could. In my case that was the bottom line. Admittedly the letters were a little blurred but I could still make them out just. I was not given the result just yet and was sent out to the waiting room again.

More waiting, more of my book read. I am reading Homer's Illiad at the moment. It is quite an interesting read actually, though it does get a little dry here and there. Not exactly a thrilling novel as one would expect from a modern author, but I digress. After about an hour I my name was called again, this time to see the ophthalmologist.

I was asked some pretty basic questions, about my eyes. Do I have blurriness, any pain, any issues reading (doctor noticed the book) and so forth. Then it was eye test time. Sit here, put your chin in this so I can look into your eyes. First one then the other. After a while and a couple more questions it was time for the dilation of the eyes. The stuff they put in your eyes is horrible, stings for a little while and then brightens the world immensely (what they did not tell me was that it would stick around for about two hours afterward and I would have to wash it out repeatedly). More light in the eyes and more looking.

The doctor was quite friendly and remarked on my cleverness about bringing the book to occupy myself. After the tests he said that I was long-sighted and asked if I had ever seen an optometrist, which I had. I had glasses for about six months before they annoyed me and I stopped wearing them. He was surprised a little and said that I should only worry about getting glasses again if my eyes ever bother me, other than that don't worry about them. I figured that it was from the first eye test for that result.

The first eye-test, the reading one actually put my eyes as very good. The fact that I was able to read the bottom line with only a little difficulty gave me a score of 6/4. Yup, perfect is 4/4. So long-sighted but perfect vision... BONUS! He said that everything was fine as far as my eyes were concerned but they would put me on a 1 year appointment list, just to make sure that the sarcoid medications don't cause any issues.

So, my eyes are brilliant. No issues there. What can I say, awesome to finally get some really positive news and something that I don't have to worry about. In some ways a bragging point with regard to my vision, considering the propensity for glasses in my family. Hopefully there will be more good news in the future for me.



Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Ouch... How Did That Happen?


I would love to be giving you all some good news in this one... not going to happen unfortunately. Seems that one of those "possible side-effects" of one of the drugs I am taking is happening. This is more or less an update about how things are going. If you are looking for lots of good news,  I would suggest that you might like to look at my fencing blog.

So, seems that I have been a little lax on my updates of late with regard to how things are going with me. So here is the short version. Teeth out last year late, went to dentist late last month (Feb) jaw has not healed enough so I have another 8 week wait before I get my false teeth... joy. That is about the sum total information about the dental aspects of things.

I swear that if I had kept my mouth shut sometime ago I would be having less problems, or less of them would have been discovered. Anyway, I went to the specialist the other month and after my liver function tests flattening out they increased the methotrexate back up to 17.5mg. It was on 15mg for a while because my liver was objecting to the whole experience. Of course due to changes this leaves me on the prednisone, which leads me to my other story. On the good side of things looks like the sarcoid is at least being held off if not in retreat.

I was happily researching away at home some two and a half weeks ago when I decided I would lean across the table and reach for a book I needed for the next bit of research. It was a little further away than I thought so I stretched a little and applied a little more pressure on my chest in order to reach the book... success... sort of. I felt a sharp stabbing pain in my chest about the 6th or 7th rib, near the sternum, thought "Ouch, must have bruised it." Well that theory was fine for a couple of days until I got to the weekend when the chest was getting progressively worse. Made a doctor's appointment for the next Monday.

Went to the doctor's he pressed on it, it was sore, was making it difficult to move etc. So off to the radiologist for an ultrasound and x-ray. Back to the doctor and ... fractured rib as the result. "What? From leaning over a fricking table?" Looks like the osteoporosis has decided to rear its ugly head and bite me on the arse. Not impressed I can tell you. So back on calcium supplements in a big way, oh yeah, and damned uncomfortable at the moment. Looks like I am going to have another 5 and a half weeks of uncomfortable and then more of being more careful again. This is going to make fencing really interesting.

I am hoping that with the correct supplements that it will be all good and the rib will heal fine and with a bit of care and possibly a bit more armour I should be fine. One thing for sure, I am not giving up yet. I have too much to do and too many students to teach. Which reminds me, aside from a little discomfort, if anyone thinks that this is going to stop me teaching, you have another thing coming I can tell you. Anyway, that's it for now.

